I feel mad cheesy putting photobooth pictures on here but i liked this outfit and I was having fun in iPhoto.. I just got home from seeing this really cool play called Too Much Light Makes the Baby Go Blind by the New York Neo-Futurists. They're an experimental theater group that writes all of their own shows. They attempt to do 30 plays in an hour and tonight they got through all of them with time to spare! They decide the order of the plays that night by having the audience call out a number 1-30 and whichever one they hear the loudest gets performed. I would highly reccommend it to anyone in the New York area. Expose yourself to some out of the ordinary art, and don't take it too seriously..you're not supposed to get it.
I heart my new vintage Fendi fannypack! 'Why' do you ask? Well, if you insist-
I love not have to carry a purse.I love the irony of a Fendi Fanny Pack.Ilovehowcheesyandclassyitisatthesametime. Ilovetheadjustablestrap. Ilovethat I had the guts to throw down the money for it- totally worth it! The cool name tag shown was from the show. They had this guy who asked everyone their name as they walked in and wrote down whatever the fuck came to his head. Mine says "hand in the till." Ha?
Cute skirt! I love acid wash denim!
hi there.. im interestd in e fendi fanny..