We went to a playground the other day with my little sister Lela and had a fun little time. Lela fell down and hurt herself, but those little bodies recover quite fast.
Glasses from Village Thrift, shoes bought in Australia, vintage Fendi fannypack, lace bodysuit from AA, Cielo shorts, leather and chain earrings from Urban Outfitters
I bought these gladiator shoes on vacation in Australia this past December after trying on a dozen pair and not finding any that looked good. They haven't gotten too much wear, but I find that with some pieces I have to own them for a while before they find their place in my wardrobe-now they're on every other day. These glasses are just darling, but they're broken and I always have to put massive amounts of tape on one of the legs if I wanna wear them..whatev, it works! I cream over this bodysuit..I put black electrical tape on my nips and I think it worked just wonderfully. Next time I'm gonna do something like this
Speaking of Gaga..She is one of my absolute loves. She's such a fierce, smart, innovative, inspirational mothersucker. I highly recommend watching all three parts of this interview.
I love your glasses and top, looks fab!